Sunday, December 25, 2016

Films of 2016 (that I can remember)

I'm starting to think it's a good idea for me to keep track of all the movies I watch. 'Cause I always blank out when people ask me about what films I like...

On the pursuit of Hirokazu Koreeda 

Maboroshi no Hikari (1995)

Wanted to watch this for Esumi Makiko, and was not disappointed. However, definitely on the artsy side (think Su-ki-da, Kids Return): quiet and long, still shots (lots of them!), very little dialogue, very little action. Showing, not telling. But it's so beautiful. It plays out like an Impressionist painting with the natural light and wide landscape shots. Poignant, beautiful themes too that sort of haunt you afterwards. Oh! And the music. I'm very tempted to buy the soundtrack since I can't find it anywhere online. A very special film.

Still Walking/Aruitemo, aruitemo (2008)

I liked this less than Maboroshi, but I still liked it. There were some parts that made me bored but then a few parts that unexpectedly made me cry (the scene with the butterfly made me straight-up put my head down and sob.) Again, not much in terms of a plot, but it's a really nice realistic portrayal of a family. Shadows of a ghost lingering in all their hearts, some things go unsaid. Beautiful soundtrack as well. As always, I love Abe Hiroshi.

After Life (1998)

I heard all the rave about this one but I actually didn't like it as much as the other 2. Maybe it's the interview style and the set. All of it pretty much takes place in one boring building, so aesthetically it isn't as pleasing. I also didn't really understand the "climatic" scene with the character's epiphany. Ah well, I tried. Still give points for originality and theme. A bunch of the actors and stories here weren't actually scripted but real people and their stories. I think I cried in this too, but not from a scene that you'd think.

In addition to these I've seen Nobody Knows and Like Father, Like Son :) So that's 5 checked off the list of Hirokazu Koreeda! 

On my to-watch list: Air Doll, I Wish (Miracle), After the Storm

Les Actions

Hateful Eight (2015)

What a crazy movie. I don't think this was my favorite from Tarantino (can't beat Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs or Kill Bill) but it was still good old entertainment, although on the long side. I rooted for Samuel Jackson even though he played an asshole in this movie. (I think that's the point, all of them are assholes). I wish I'd seen this in theater though for the special film quality.

To-watch list from Tarantino: Jackie Brown

Sword of the Stranger (2007)

I was really skeptical going into this movie because the name of it sounds like a dumb stereotypical samurai anime. But I was surprised at how much I loved it! Tight editing, good pacing, BEAUTIFUL soundtrack (I downloaded this one straight away), and actually really impressive animation. Not on the level of Satoshi Kon ingenuity or anything but this movie was solid. I even watched it twice. I'm so upset at myself that I never knew about this movie. Oh right, BEST part is the fight choreo. Beats most of the newer kung fu movies I've seen.

Les (Other) Anime

Your Name (2016)

Well there was SUCH a fuss made over this movie. And ok, I did like it, even though I totally dislike Makoto Shinkai's other works (I find them sappy, with poor writing and only pretty pictures to carry the film). This one was greatly improved in writing and plot. Some twists I didn't see coming. As always, it IS gorgeous animation in that super-polished, almost CGI-smooth way. But guess what, Makoto Shinkai is still a sappy romantic and this showed. Call me bitter but I still don't see why he's being compared to Hayao Miyazaki (hello? not even close!) while no one knows who Satoshi Kon is. Excuuuse me? Satoshi Kon, always the daring mastermind who actually pushed boundaries! Sigh. Congrats to Shinkai, he's made lots of moolah with this one.

A Letter to Momo (2011)

Aww, now this was an anime film to remember!! I have never heard of this director or this movie, but I randomly got it from the library and watched it on the Greyhound. Adorable, touching, funny little story. The animation is VERY nice, like quirky and charming. I loved Momo's character and her freaky friends. That one scene made me seriously tear up too. This was so offbeat and unique and perfect to my taste. Perfect! Just perfect.

Memories (1995)

Obviously by now you should know I'm obsessed with Satoshi Kon. I think he's one of the MOST underrated anime directors ever. This one he didn't direct, but he wrote and animated. It's a collection of 3 short films: Stink Bomb, Magnolia Rose, Cannon Fodder. Stink Bomb was my favorite; just downright entertaining and hilarious. Magnolia Rose was an interesting, sort-of-tragic sci-fi. Cannon Fodder was a steam-punk dystopian kind of thing, he had a crazy animation style for that. These aren't as classic as his long features (Paprika, Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers) but still do Satoshi Kon justice. Recommend!!!!! (Wow, I've actually seen ALL of the films he's directed now... )

On my to-watch list: The Boy and the Beast, Summer Wars.

Movies I actually saw in theater...

Arrival (2016)

I wanted to watch this film MONTHS before its release. I was so worried I wouldn't catch this in theater (like I'd missed Kubo and My Name is Not Madame Bovary). Buuuut, luckily I got to watch this! And came away satisfied, although not blown away - but still pretty happy. I always like my plot twists and this one was a thought-provoking one. The cinematography and music ambience were great. My major beef is the Mandarin (or what they tried to pass off as Mandarin). Geez, either train Amy Adams so that her Mandarin is decipherable or get someone to dub her. 

Fantastic Beasts (2016)

Now being a Harry Potter fan I was gonna watch it but I wasn't expecting much. I mean, clearly this was a highly commercialized Hollywood film with its usual gimmicks. But I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Eddie Redmayne was adorable but actually it's the guy who played Jacob who stole my heart! All the scenes with him made me laugh my arse off. I'm still kind of annoyed at the ending (can Ezra Miller just never catch a break?) but overall, this was quite good for a commercial flick. The sequels are probably gonna drag and suck, but just based on this one, I might give them a chance.


My return to Miyazaki Aoi craze
Harmful Insect (2001)

I might have seen this already in high school, but I rewatched it recently. I just love coming-of-age stories whether books or films. Plus Miyazaki Aoi was so young and fresh in this. This is before she moved into doing more commercial and mainstream films. I liked this a lot despite the weird jumps the film seems to do and the parts that don't make too much sense. But I guess the director just wants you to try to interpret on your own. It's not the best film cinematography and there's barely a soundtrack, but the writing is good. I like raw, stark realism, muhahaha. 

If cats disappeared from the world (2016)

... this was a waste of my 2 hours, honestly. It's your typical man-is-dying so reflection-on-life mandatory tearjerker. Aoi's role is super one-dimensional, and she does her Oscar-crying scene but I was just like, um, why are you even crying?!! So lame. I DID cry, but it was for the friend in the film shop and then the part with his mom and dad. Psshhh. Movies like this so do not impress me. I guess this was adapted from a novel, and the novel probably was just so stupid you can't fault the director... Meh...

My SO has got depression (2011)

Um... so this was recommended to me from a friend but I don't even know if I should put it here since I technically didn't even FINISH it. It was that bad. Alright, it wasn't terrible and I get what they're trying to do. But the way they went about it was so... cutesy and fluffy. Doesn't seem realistic enough for depression at all. Aoi's role is again, pretty substandard. She's a cute housewife who lurves her hubby. Yawn. Ok, so I didn't even get to the climax (if there is one) so maybe I'm not being fair. Will probably finish this movie when I take the Greyhound again later this week.

To-watch list: Vancouver Asashi, A Chorus of Angels.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

2 months mark!

After being in medical school for 2 months, I still don’t really feel anywhere close to being a doctor. That’s probably expected though. I mean, all we’ve been doing is study our asses off for exams. We did have some clinical-themed workshops (like the ultrasound session) and practices with SPs, but when I do that stuff, I feel like a kid playing the part. 

In my classmates, some of them, I can see who they will be in ten years. Their confidence and professionalism is just already there. Whereas for me, I don’t know exactly how I come off, but I definitely do not have the same “assuredness” in my mannerisms and speech. I took a gap year where I worked hoping to improve on this— but honestly, I don’t think much changed…

I guess I have to accept that growing up and maturing really varies for person to person. Some people get it, and they’re just independent and sure of themselves at 15, or 18, or whatever. Some people like me, might really be a lifelong process.

Several friends who are not in med school have asked me what med school is like. And I usually answer more or less, “a lot of studying, but it’s interesting.”

Well yeah, that’s pretty much it, but I suppose I can dig deeper.

Med school is, for sure, draining. I kind of knew that coming in — the analogy of “drinking from a fire hose” used to scare me — but it’s not unmanageable. A person can grow used to anything. So yeah, it is a long stamina race, because you’re going to be studying every single day (with maybe exception of Friday and Saturday) as much as you did in undergrad for finals. And it’s not because the teachers are mean, and not because they have pop quizzes every day that if you get less than 100% you will be forced to drop out of med school. No, nothing like that. It’s just simply because there’s an immense volume of information, the pace is super fast, and the teachers aren’t going to be doing that much of the teaching. You have to be your own teacher.

Maybe this varies depending on the school, but here we start with Anatomy. Something that you could teach in a year-long class is compressed into 7 weeks. Yup, 7 weeks! We start the unit off with dissection, but we switch between two dissection teams, so you will only dissect every other day. On your day “off” you self-study or prepare the non-dissection material, like clinically relevant questions and so-on, that you’re supposed to then teach to the other group and they teach you what they dissected. There’s no lecture beforehand on what the material is. Afterwards, there’s something called a conference, which is helpful but the teacher is quizzing you things they expect you to already have learned. It’s more structured like a review than a lecture.

We do have real lectures several times a week. But of course, like in undergrad, in a huge auditorium with 200 students and one teacher with a Powerpoint, it’s not super effective. I go to lecture but I still have to learn much of it on my own later. Plus, even if the lecturer is clear and organized, these lectures are only meant to supplement our main material.

People have talked about studying styles changing. Yes, it’s going to change. You can’t read the notes/textbook straight because the notes are massive and dense, and there’s a lot of info in there that we won’t “have to know” (it’s just not that important so they don’t test us). It’s all about being able to pick out what’s important and making the connections.

The good thing is I like anatomy and how visual and practical it is, and I like this kind of learning — really forces you to be active. So even though yeah there are moments when I’m super sick of studying and I’m sometimes so wistful of all the free time I had before… once I get really into it time just flows. (Like, wow there goes 4 hours in lab!!)

I still do take my breaks (like play guitar for a bit, cook, go for a run sometimes or a swim), and don’t worry, I still make sure I get my human interaction… Actually, most of the time I stay on campus till 5 or 6 studying with my classmates. And lunch hour is always a part of the daily routine where we eat and chat.

So. The people in med school… hahaha.

Everyone’s really smart, that’s the first impression you get. Well obviously that makes sense. But it’s not like I was ever the smartest kid in my class and I definitely don’t like to be. I enjoy this atmosphere actually — everyone’s hard-working, everyone’s motivated to learn, makes you focus too. Still… there are a few people that are kind of annoying (loll) no offense. You’ll still have those competitive people, those who come off a bit arrogant (cough - “guys who want to be orthopedic surgeons”), those who want to go over every freaking question on the exam we took 5 minutes ago…

But on the other end of the spectrum you also have people who you get the sense are struggling. And even though our class average on the past 2 exams were in the high 80’s, there are people who have failed and get remedial review sessions from the teachers. So, whoever out there thinks you aren’t smart enough for med school, puh-lease. You will be fine. Everyone learns at their own pace and everyone’s got their strengths and weaknesses. I truly believe ANYONE can be a doctor, it’s just because of limited spots that they make the application process so awful. Obviously, some people will take less work, some people will need more work, which is why if you wanna be a doctor, you better be sure.

Also, I DID find a circle of friends. See, and I was so worried I was going to hate everyone in med school. What do you know, there are people like me and there are people I find really interesting and best of all there’s a ping pong table in our lounge, and it’s like undergrad all over again… hahaha. Ping pong brings people together. My life motto.

Am I happy? I think so, for the most part, I am enjoying med school. Sure I miss a lot of things: I miss those lazy days when I could go to the library, check out manga, and sit outside and just read for a few hours. I miss drawing and sketching (I just got a membership pass to the museums though so I’m definitely going back there, maybe this weekend, just to draw). I miss my friends in Pittsburgh. I haven’t talked to some people in a while, not seriously talk anyway. I’ve become friends with some of my classmates but it’s not the same. There’s something about hanging out with people in your profession ALL the time… Sometimes I need to get away from that, haha. 

Then there’s always the good stuff right? It’s always a mix. I’m glad to be mentally stimulated again. Sometimes, not gonna lie, I’m impressed with myself on how I can crush so much info into my brain… Also, the teachers are funny and cute and sweet, the material (like I said) is RELEVANT to exactly what you will eventually do - and yes, exactly, medical school is professional school. You are trained to be a doctor, trained for a career. At the white coat ceremony I got that feel for the first time. Sure, I don’t even know what kind of doctor I will be… nor can I picture myself doing the role as naturally as some of my peers seem to… But I’m a part of the whole deal now. I’m not just lost in a haze and figuring out what to do with my life, you know? At this point, the end of the tunnel is THERE, you just gotta keep moving.

Something else to remark at the end here- the cadavers in anatomy lab. Before starting school l’ve been to cadaver labs before just to view, not to dissect. I remember feeling so squeamish and uncomfortable in there, even though I never fainted or vomited or anything. But now? You know how I mentioned I can stay in lab for 4 hours without realizing? It’s just second nature now to be near one, to look at one, to dig your hand in one. (It does help that our school have a nice ventilation system and windows in the lab). I’ve read a book by a doctor who talked about the emotional weight of her first cadaver session. Well… for me, I don’t think I reacted emotionally at all. I don’t think many people did, or no one’s mentioned it. I wonder if we repress this or is it just that having a task in hand pushes everything else out of our head. Like, several times I’ve seen my labmates rest their hands on the face of our cadaver, and once I even caught myself doing it before quickly removing my hand. Oops, this cadaver used to be a real human. You really forget that.

If the cadavers have taught me something about mortality, it’s just the stark truth: when you die, your soul leaves, and your corpse is just flesh, bones, muscle and fat. (There was a quote or something like that in Jiraishin Diablo, this manga I read). You’re an object, and there’s no point being sentimental or weird about it, I guess.

Still, there’s a reason the cadaver’s face is still covered while we dissect his trunk and extremities. 

Also, there are moments when I get sad, just picturing the kind of life this man had. He’s got CHF, he’s got renal failure, and had this disgustingly huge cyst in the right side of his abdomen for who knows how many years. How long did he suffer with all these issues? Why didn’t the doctors do something about the cyst?? (He had a kidney transplant, so I assume he’s got insurance?? Or is he just one of the really lucky uninsured who got a transplant…)

Anyway, that’s it for reflection now. Cheers to 2 months down, uh… let’s not count how many months to go. 😄

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Utah-大提顿-黄石 road trip!

很愉快的一趟旅行,而且是我第一次跟朋友走那么远!不是跟父母呦!!嘿嘿,难忘的一次!见到了野牛,黑熊,银河,还有第一次“犯了法”see below

这次旅行是三人行:我,小郭,和小郭的好基友李喆。Note:我没见过李喆,连他长什么样都不知道,所以另外“有趣",对嘛,我跟两个小伙子旅行还不说,有一个还是个wild card嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎!嘻嘻嘻

Day 1 6/29/16

下午5:40本该起飞的飞机,上了后pilot才发现轮胎的什么问题,所以耽误了1个多小时,8:05到了Phoenix,转机可是8:18起飞!!gates还隔得他妈的远😂500m我是喘不过气的奔跑, 幸好最后还是赶上了…… 当时真的已有一晚睡在机场的心理准备。

当地时间的11点多我们到了盐湖城,去租车,正排队一个小帅哥过来,我朝他礼貌的笑了笑正要说“Go ahead" 他拍了小郭的肩膀,喔喔原来是小郭的朋友!(嘿嘿嘿嘿 果然挺帅嘛 不错郭儿 没让老娘白期待😝😄

那天晚上我们住在了盐湖城外面的Hampton Inn,条件很好,黑夜中我几乎能看到旅馆背后高山的轮廓妈呀,内心开始激动!

Day 2 6/30/16

早上起来吃了Hampton的早餐,然后开往了Antelope Island State Park (据说是男神特意推荐的!不愧是男神啊!)好。美。


下午我们爬了个trail,李喆说等于60几层楼呢(两个Cathedral那么高!!)有一个尽头太远,主要是我们水不够,只好去了更近的Dooley's Knoboh well还是很满意!坐在那石头上,一望是蓝天蓝山,底下是盐湖,风吹着,太阳大大的,美呆了。

我们还去了个bison ranch,回来的时候路上过来个大野牛然而antelope无处可见😂 ah well...

离开了公园,在Ogden吃了晚饭(Smokey's BBQ and Grill)。实在是饿昏了。。。点了牛排!

然后我们向往了Portabello, Idaho,这一程可都是老娘自己开的哦~ 景色非常美,我以为爱德华就是土光光的土豆地,没想到还是有很多高山的(至少挨Utah的这边)高高大大的山,蓝绿色,我最喜欢的那类,那时候正好还是夕阳,光线特别美,但也有一段路下了大雨(+闪电!!)我竟然都开过了,got us to the hotel in one piece...

Day 3 (7/1/16)

下楼去吃早餐在电梯里遇到了一对匹大Alumni的夫妇(G那天穿了皮大的衣服嘛 卧槽后来我也穿过好几次的匹大衣服没有人却跟我打招呼呀!)夫妇很友好,跟我们聊起来,当年和我同一个本科系!好有缘!尤其是后面,当我们提到了要去黄石的时候,夫妇说他们刚刚去了,门票是一个星期的所以还没过期,给我们吧!哇哦哦哦哦真是好人(^^)票包括大提顿和黄石,50美元(虽然后来其实我们还是会买票的,see Day 7,可是当时还是嗨皮~~“省了”50刀呢)


到了Jackson Hole的时候是下午34点吧,我们饿了就去吃了顿饭,去了Liberty Burger, 我点了什么Apple and almond salad还蛮好吃
也去了下国家公园的Visitor Center,那里有个小博物馆,看了个讲公园里野生动物的片子,然后!出发至大提顿!!

大提顿,法语“Grand Teton” (a.k.a. “big tit” 2333), 是一座高雪山。男孩子们看到了雪山就直喊硬了硬了,我能理解。。。我!爱!雪!山!!

拍完了后我们去Jenny Lake周围稍微的走了走,因为太晒,觉得今天就不hike了。湖边很美,风大,浪也不小,水里还有人划船。

之后我们沿着Teton Park Road开,过了Jackson Lake Dam(必然停下来照几张):

到了一个有名的旅游景点,Oxbow Bend:


接上的是Snake River Overlook,据说这是名家Ansel Adams1942年拍过的,这照片当时造了大影响。


晚霞背光的时候蛮难照的,晚霞能照到可是前景就照不了 :/ 



我们那晚住在Motel 6200刀一晚,条件果然。。。差😂 厕所的门都没有锁,装饰就像80年代的“retro”风格,床根本不像queen size,可委屈了他们俩。一晚上他们没怎么睡好,害得我也醒了几次。第二天打算要赶上日出,我们迷迷糊糊按照闹钟4点半从睡眠中挣扎而起。。。

Day 4 7/2/16

早上5点多其实天已经微微亮了,但太阳还没有从山后爬上来,所以还是赶到了Mormon Row照相的好时间。到的时候,已有一群的摄影爱好者围着小木房😁

据说是“the most photogenic barn in the world”😂

^同志们。。。get a room...
下一站是昨天去过的Jenny Lake,这次我们要走trail,要先坐船过去到湖对岸,我们只买了单程票(cough 错则#1)


穿过树林又爬上小山坡,能看到Jenny Lake的全景啦~

但我们没有在Inspiration Point停留,因为有个trailCascade Canyons“3英里左右(cough cough 错则#2)也没觉得特远,所以接着走。




幸好不是全程都在大太阳底下,树荫下的路也多~ 路过了很多野花。




鼓掌~ we made it


全程最后走了10-15英里(我的app15,李喆的说10,是因为我的腿短吗😂),爬了54(?give or take)层楼。从早上10点左右hike到下午3点!!



本来搜到了个餐厅,想去,可是一进去是个winery ?!

饿的不要命了,所以就去了隔壁家的一所,叫“Hatch: taqueria and tequila” 我喜欢Mexican food所以二话不说就进去了。

结果。。。4点是他们的Happy Hour5点才开饭,菜单上没啥东西,就是酒和tacostortillas,我没问题,我喜欢吃,可是两位哥哥很不满意😂


嘿嘿,good times…

出来后他们还没有解饿,就立马选了家pizza店,点了个bison pizza😄


我们先开到Oxbow Bend,一下车哇噻!!!!抬头就是星星!!好!多!!银河能看得到!!!激动的我!!(第一次看银河!!!!)

Oxbow Bend那边车还是多,所以我们又回到车上,寻找别的地方照~

后来在Jackson River Dam停下车,准备好三脚架,照!银!河!

这是我第一次拍银河,原来还挺复杂的,两位摄影老司机教了我:要先用远处的光对好焦,然后再对好银河,一般用的是20-25“的曝光,aperture打到最大。^虽然比不上老司机的作品我还是很满意啦~ 能看得出银河就是了嘛。他们俩还继续折腾了很久,我更宁愿躺在dam的柱子上欣赏天空的星星。很可惜,这个地方没有信号,我很想查查constellation chart,但没办法连上网,只好按着记忆认出Big Dipper和(貌似)Little Dipper。。。Summer Triangle我好像也找出来了,可是对不上哪个是CygnusDeneb星星。:(

拍完后老司机们还想换个前景, 于是我们又开到了Signal Mountain,这时候路上已没有什么人,我们都有点提心吊胆。郭儿还说他看到一只狼穿过马路。。。!如果真看到了,我错过了,not fair!! T_T

Signal Mountain Summit没什么意思,树太多,所以又换了个景。这次去的是Schwabacher’s Landing,这时候云比较多了。其实,最好拍银河的地方和时间就是dam那里。


本来还说想回到Mormon Row那里去照银河,可云这时候多,男孩子们也累了,我们就回宾馆啦。这时已经半夜三更。。。literally, 3:30早上我们才回到了旅馆房间,洗涮了趴倒在床上。那晚,我们都睡的像死人一般😂。。。丰满的一天。。。

Day 5 7/3/16

因为昨天太嗨,自然今天起的晚,睡到了1011点,在中午之前赶快收拾好check out, 我们又去了下Kmart补上了下零食和水。李喆晒脱皮了,我倒没这个问题。。。可是我出现了感冒状况。还好,不过是流了点清鼻涕和咳嗽了点。在店里买了包cough drop。午饭,我们在Local Restaurant吃的,burgerfries

下午我们开车向往黄石公园。路过了Schwabacher’s Landing, 白天当然完全不一样,停下来照了照~


快到黄石的时候,草坪上出现了一群bison!!! 终于--看到了野生动物!!!😂
云好酷~~ (仔细看,还有小鹿!)
到了黄石,我们去的第一个景点叫做West Thumb,在Yellowstone Lake的边缘上。

手机拍的就是效果没那么好,但那次我们都没带上DSLRoh well


快傍晚的时候,我们到了Grand Prismatic Spring,非常著名的旅游景点。旅客当然很多了(可下了一场雨,好多人就走了嘻嘻~)


拍完照的时候太阳快下去了(9点之后了吧)我们打算回旅馆,明天找trail上山照Prismatic Spring的全景。。。(错则#3😂。。。see Day 6


不过,终于到了旅馆,GardinerRodeway Inn,开进小镇时还看到了烟花!!哇,当时我好激动!!大声喊了“Happy 4th of July everyone!” 。。。然而车里的两位并没有反应😂 还鄙视我说这烟花有啥好看的。。。唉!!你们就不懂!!!。。原来,我还是个美国人!😂

那晚的旅馆条件应该是最好的了,和Hampton一个档次,manager还给我们留了张卡,so sweet!

Day 6 (7/4/16)


早上我们去了 Mammoth Springs (Mammoth Terrace)。。。不知道为啥,没有图里边那么好看啊😂 就是一层层的石头嘛。。。哦,不过在停车场的旁边看到了鹿! (但不像是elk :()

男同志们*莫名*的喜欢这块石头。。cough cough

那天我还不舒服,因为前一晚上刚来了大姨妈。也没想说,但他们看我抱着肚子,真相就出来了。两个男生态度立刻转180😂说要这几天伺候我,还问我要不要热水袋。对他们来说大姨妈这么可怕啊?哈哈哈哈哈 (不过,突然有男孩子关心我还是很温馨的~~嘿嘿)

Firehole Falls还发现能游泳!!!!!!!!!!!艹,早知道就好了!!!脱了鞋去试了试水,不冷。里面好多人游呢 还有跳水的 😭 游泳衣没带。。。好惭愧。。。

下午去了Old Faithful,我擦,这个东东那么有名,为啥?!等了15分钟,最后才喷了15秒!!

我们看的是2:45那场,喷完了就开始下大雨,我们跑进Visitor Center避雨。。。看了看education center的东西~Geysers原来全世界只有5个地方才有耶!2个在美国!

这样在Old Faithful吃了饭后。。。咳,故事就来了。。。

昨天我们不是听说有个Overlook能看Prismatic Spring吗?(其实是小郭听那位神秘女士说的,我真有点怀疑他是不是听错了!🌞wait and see...)我就在网上好好查了走Overlooktrail, 读了一下也觉得hike不是很远,我把directions抄好了,准备这下午去嘛。

啦啦啦~ 因为本来没找到路口(叫做Fairy Falls trail),我们去Old FaithfulVisitor Center时候就问了下服务人员。结果!他说,trail早已经封闭了,现在正在做construction,为了解脱尴尬他还给我们推荐了另一个trail,当然,我们还是失望啊,只有那一个trail是去springoverlook



走到了牌子那里郭儿还又问了我们一次,怎么样?坦白说,我很明确这是违法的行为(牌子清清楚楚说了不准进)换就我一个人我才不稀罕呢。但因为是我们三个嘛,我就想,应该不会有不安全的,去去我们就回,YOLO right😂所以,我就点头了!!!


当然!才走了两分钟不到,我就听到我身后,biu biu biu


我一回头, 操。。。有车啊!刚刚我们来不是没有车嘛?!

这时候又来了, biu biu biu的响声。。。

这时候我也差不多意识到是警察了。Oh shit moment


Ranger问:Why are you guying doing this?


他:Did you not read the signs?


Whatever, 能咋办,就乖乖听警察的话咯。警察没收了我们的bear spray,要我们的ID(我们都落在车上了),他跟我们说回车吧,在那里等他。


过了好久那个警察回来了,一切了然:这不是罚单,而是一个”violation”(需要去法庭的那种。。。😂court date还是一个月多后,89,我擦根本不好回来啊。。。Fortunately警察说我们可以提前一个星期打电话,安排个phone hearing。我们问会是什么样的判刑?警察只说,up to the judge… 

问题是!!!那张单子非常吓人!!!Class B Misdemeanor (like wtf does that even mean 😂)有max sentence of 6 months in jail, $5000 fine… 卧槽,真是吓尿了,但我问了警官,我马上要上学了-需要告诉学校这件事吗?警察说“Oh this petty little thing? No.“ 卧槽??


谁知道会怎样!!!只能耐心的等到7月底打电话给prosecutor! (我也不打算hire律师了。。。卧槽,应该不用吧。。。)

怎么说还是蛮严重的,警察叔叔走了之后我们都好一会儿甩不了情绪。都挺害怕的。车上都没人吭声。。。当然,过了一段时间我们也能开开玩笑啦~ 小郭道歉,但也不能怨他啊,毕竟我们都是同意走进trail的人。。。唉,反正错误已经犯了,抱怨后悔有什么用,对吧。

为了不要这件事故毁了我们的trip, 我们还是尽量暂时忘掉,去玩下一个景点!Norris Geyser Basin,很漂酿的地方~ 


那天晚上我们住在黄石公园的东北门口(Cooke City),开车要路过Lamar Valley,我能总结是我黄石里最喜欢的景点(其实不是一个景点,是一片草原)。没有geysers,没有臭鸡蛋味,就是好多树、草、山、、、和野生!!!我们开了一半的路就眼看前面车都停满了路边。咋回事??原来是。。。黑熊妈妈和两个熊宝宝!!!!!!

耶耶耶!!!一瞬间,从worst day ever变成了best day ever!


所以那晚我快快乐乐的把我们开到旅馆~ (这次也发现比前一晚好开的多了~ 是路好点,还是俺的技术提高了呢~ 哈哈哈哈)Even better ! 我们住的Motel 6那晚也有火花在放!就是motel的后面那些房子~~ 我又激动了一发!不管!哪里是能看到火花,可是今天是国庆节啊!没想到会在偏僻的小镇看到呀!


Day 7 (7/5/16)

早晨,吃了晚饭最后一次进公园;__;  别人送我们的门票,记得吗,是7/4就过期了。我们本来说要不要早点进公园,在守门员工作之前(那时候好像不用交费了就可以进),但是小郭已经打算要买annual pass,下次还要带女友和他父母来玩,所以就决定不用着急进公园了。



后面又路过了Lamar River trail,也必须停下来走走(因为我们剩下的景点就是Canyon Village那里,觉得时间不急~)这个trail虽然没在我们的计划中,很喜欢!舒服又easy的一段路,景色也好看,在草坪中-附近就是Lamar River,野生动物也多。





下午的时候开错了路,不小心往返了Mammoth Springs,就顺便在那里逛了gift shop,我买了一小本的postcards。我们还去了post officepostcard寄了出去;我给自己寄了两张,给Kelly寄了一张。

然后就开往Canyon Village… 不过之前还在路上停了停,照野花😂

😳静静的美女子” 哈哈哈哈哈哈
然后*又*去了个Gift Shop,在Canyon Villagevisitor center区-男孩们挑了好~久的纪念品(-_-;)。。。折腾了后到Lower Falls已经快5点了... 所以我们就走到Grand Canyon的景台,来了个到此一游的合影!

如果时间还多的话,我还是希望能走Lower Falls的小道,去那个景台照一照,唉可惜时间最后还是不够啊!😂


晚上我们在Idaho Falls吃的晚餐(大家都吃腻了西餐,这次选了个泰国餐馆)那晚住的是Best Western。男孩子们买了啤酒。。。想把我灌醉吗,切!!想的美! 哈,老娘当然没(那么)醉,我们玩了些游戏,我也没有太embarrass自己😂。。。吧

Day 8 (7/6/16)

最后的一天很轻松,中午就回到了盐湖城。我们打算就在城里玩一玩吧。去了Temple Square,因为听朋友推荐的,结果。。。好没意思。。。=___= 😂
就是个教堂。。。还不准进去。。。理解一下文化和历史可能会好点,但我们都怕tour guideconvert咱们,所以上来一个就拒绝😂

Mormon Temple

下午太阳太晒,男孩子们不想做室外活动(-_-;) 所以我们就去了个博物馆!Natural History Museum.


餐馆是个香港餐馆,老板娘真的太nice!!!! (因为我回匹兹堡之后才发现我的账单也拿走了,就是说小费最后没付。。。给老板娘打电话解释她就笑着说没事,算了!感动!)吃的还蛮愉快。。。唉,也是旅游的最后一餐!T_T

去了机场还了车,我们只好告别。小郭和我同一路回家,但李喆就要回Boston,他的terminal和我们不一样所以就在机场门口说了再见。。。真的有点心酸哦!!!刚开始是陌生人,还比较尴尬(他是闷骚型 😄)但过了这几天像朋友(?)了。。。有点舍不得帅哥呢😏

飞机是通宵的。。。red-eye flight。。。好累啊,在飞机上睡着了,但还要在南卡转机,一趟折腾完也是第二天快中午才回到公寓。天昏地暗的睡了一下午。。。

旅游- 成功的结束!!

