Wednesday, December 27, 2023

1 Litre of Tears (Ep 2)

Episode 2

Her mom goes through all the denial... 😢

Like last episode, I thought the diagnosis seemed a little too rushed, but maybe there were parts they didn't show on-screen (like bloodwork, LP, genetic testing - if that was a thing back then). 

It's understandable that her mom would want to seek out a second opinion. That first doctor she went to find a second opinion was awful, though. He basically was like "yeah spinocerebellar degeneration? Straightforward diagnosis." WTF. 

Also, wow, is this just how Japanese healthcare works - her mom was able to make an appointment with the O.G. neurologist in the field like late in the evening, presumably outside his regular office hours? Seriously impressive.

I have conflicted thoughts about the fact that her parents kept her from her diagnosis for so long.

On one hand, I get it, her parents are so worried what it's going to do to her psychologically. How DO you explain this to your teenaged child? They're old enough to understand the implications of what an incurable disease means. They also don't have a fully developed frontal lobe yet so like, how will they process this? 

The western perspective has always been one where we, as providers, feel the patient deserves to know the truth, all about patient autonomy, etc. So maybe it has biased me. But imagining myself in Aya's shoes, I think it's also really, really hard to decide if I would want to know or not.

If you don't know what's coming, you can live in blissful ignorance.

But it'll be stressful still, not knowing what's going on when you do sense things are off. Not having closure, not having that certainty.

I think ultimately, I would want to know, even if it's really painful. Because you'd have some kind of preparation, emotionally, for what's to come. And like that doctor says, you need time to process and accept something like this, and that's one thing you won't have on your side. Time.

But I'm sure once I know, I'll have thoughts like, "I wish I didn't know."


This episode was really hard to watch.

"Why Aya?"

I don't know, why bad things happen to some people. They just do.


The only little tidbits of fluff and warmth that can buffer the pain in this episode - adorable doggo, Asou-kun and Aya grow closer, protective Aya's dad with his hilarious expressions.

On a side note, poor Ako (the sister). She obviously feels that her parents are playing favoritism. She's jealous and hurt. Little does she know what's lying ahead for Aya and the whole family. Ako's one of my favorite characters in this show and I already remember that the turning point of her arc will hit me so hard in a few more episodes.

Also - is this the first time we hear Sangatsu Kokonoka?? ♥♥♥

Favorite scene: Aya's dad's reaction when she brings Asou home

                                                    Crying Meme Wojak" Sticker by DreamMeArt | Redbubble

                                                        literally his face

Close runner-up: Aya's reaction when she's talking to the doggo about her crush and Asou sneaks up on her and she's like... I'm outta here 😂😂 so relatable

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